Be Nice to This Person
And Watch Your Career Improve

When you lose out on a listing or struggle to close a deal, it’s natural to criticize yourself. But most people blame themselves far more than they realize, and it can damage your future success. Here’s how to combat the tendency to harshly judge yourself and replace it with more constructive behavior.

Recognize the signs of self-sabotage. Pay attention to your inner voice. Constantly tearing yourself down or dwelling on past mistakes is not productive. Pivoting to self-compassion helps you move on and improve your results.

Focus on growth. Making mistakes is part of learning new skills. If you have a growth mindset, you’ll be more accepting of your missteps and see them as part of an overall positive process.

Treat yourself as you would treat others. When friends tell you about failures in their lives, you’re likely kind and reassuring. Treat yourself with the same kindness.

Keep aiming high. Giving yourself grace when you fail does not mean you should settle for mediocrity. Maintain high standards and hold yourself accountable as you continue to work toward reaching your goals.